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Case Study 1 - Walthamstow Academy

Name of School: Walthamstow Academy
CPD leader: Kathleen Sorrell, Assistant Principal
Type of school: Secondary Academy
Age range: 11-19
Number of pupils: 821

Why did you decide to work towards the CPLD Quality Mark?
CPD is at the heart of what we are about at Walthamstow Academy. We believe in creating, fostering and nurturing opportunities for all. For us, this is crucial since it really does bring out the ‘best in everyone’ (our motto). Since we have all of this in place already, we felt we wanted external recognition for ‘the way that we are’. This is why we decided to apply for The CPLD Quality Mark.

What was involved in the process?
For us at Walthamstow Academy, it was not really a difficult process. It was more a case of collating all our good work together and all of us recognising how much we actually do so naturally in this area on a daily basis. It is not part of our culture – it is our culture!

How did you find the assessment?
The assessment was very fair and conducted very professionally. We did have contact with our assessor prior to the assessment days and felt very well briefed and prepared for the assessment. It was a great opportunity to ‘show off’ where we are, but also receive some very constructive feedback on how to further develop our practice so that our aspirations have been further raised!

Would you recommend the CPLD Quality Mark to other schools?
Yes I would recommend The CPLD Quality Mark to other schools. Firstly, it does focus your school on the value of CPD and the rewards (outcomes for students) of a consistently strong programme. Secondly, I would recommend it as it shows absolute commitment to staff development and really sets schools apart from each other in terms of what staff gain in terms of development.

Case Study 2 - The Quest Academy – Coloma Trust

Name of School: The Quest Academy – Coloma Trust
Type of school: Secondary Academy
Age range: 11-16 at time of assessment new sixth form 2013
Number of pupils: 468

Why did you decide to work towards the CPLD Quality Mark?
“Learning Changes Lives” is our guiding statement and as a new academy we saw that taking part in The CPLD Quality Mark process would be beneficial to our ambitious strategy for improvement. It also recognises that everyone in the academy is a “learner”. Our intention is to become an outstanding academy and the clear framework provided by The CPLD Quality Mark is important in motivating and driving that level of improvement. There is a close link between our academy improvement strategy and our CPLD strategy. We intend to go for Silver as soon as possible.

What was involved in the process?
In the initial stages the process required us to complete a full audit of all 48 elements across the 9 objectives of The CPLD Quality Mark framework. We then wrote an action plan that addressed the areas for development; this was devised by an action research group on CPLD. Finally we completed a further audit in order to ensure that we met the right number of criteria to go for final assessment.

What was your strongest element of the Framework?
The strongest element of the framework for us was the rigor of self-evaluation and the clear focus on improving teaching and learning across the academy coupled with the fact the inclusive nature of CPLD and performance management, and all staff believing that access is fair and provided on the basis of need. “Middle leaders and team members spoke largely with one voice about the degree of consultation and information sharing within team meetings and day to day operations: staff feel consulted and well informed”.

What did you find the most challenging?
The most challenging aspect of the process was probably putting the documentation together and planning the assessment timetable. It was a massive, but worthwhile undertaking.

How did you find the assessment?
The assessment was challenging but thoroughly enjoyable. I considered it an excellent piece of personal development. It has had a huge impact on our continuing, improving provision of CPLD.

Did you receive constructive feedback?
The feedback was very detailed and has informed our new CPLD development plan. We are going for Silver.

Would you recommend the CPLD Quality Mark to other schools?
Yes without reservation as it really makes you scrutinise and challenge your provision of CPLD across the school

Case Study 3 - Wallington County Grammar School

Name of School: Wallington County Grammar School
CPD Leader: David Jones, Advanced Skills Teacher
Type of school: Secondary
Age range: 11-18
Number of pupils: 870

Why did you decide to work towards The CPLD Quality Mark?
We wanted to both receive formal accreditation for our training programmes to aid recruitment and to ‘strengthen our hand’ when applying, for example, to be a hub school in the Schools Direct programme as well as utilise a framework which would offer us a comprehensive, tried and tested tool kit to enable us to improve our training offer. The CPLD model also emphasised CPLD as a vehicle for whole school improvement which appealed to us.

What was involved in the process?
Having identified the CPLD Quality Mark as the tool we wanted to use it was simply a case of auditing the existing provision within the school using the toolkit provided and then constructing an action plan to ensure that all the requirements for the Quality Mark were in place.

What was your strongest element of the Framework?
The extent to which our CPLD programme is facilitated ‘in-house’ by teacher-researchers.

What did you find the most challenging?
Evidencing the impact of training in terms of quantitative data and outcomes for administrative staff.

How did you find the assessment?
Rigorous but quite enjoyable once I was confident we had the evidence to back up the scrutiny of each standard.

Did you receive constructive feedback?
Yes – on the day and through comparing the bronze criteria to the silver criteria we will be building towards.

Would you recommend The CPLD Quality Mark to other schools?

Case Study 4 - Brays School

Name of School: Brays School
Type of school: Special School
Age range: 2-11 years
Number of pupils: 105

Why did you decide to work towards The CPLD Quality Mark?
To allow us to self-evaluate and quality assure our practice against a set of thought through standards.

What was involved in the process?
Auditing what we did, sharing the findings with stakeholders, looking at areas we could do better and addressing them, sharing again with stakeholders and then submitting for an assessment visit.

What was your strongest element of the Framework?
Talent spotting and growing new leaders.

What did you find the most challenging?
Capturing how we have changed ethos in school in a concrete way.

How did you find the assessment?
It was challenging, thorough, and thought provoking.

Did you receive constructive feedback?

Would you recommend The CPLD Quality Mark to other schools?

Case Study 5 - The Village School, Brent

Name of School: The Village School, Brent.
CPD leader: Sue Jones, Assistant Head
Type of school: Special School
Age range: 4-19
Number of pupils: 235

Why did you decide to work towards The CPLD Quality Mark?
Initially as a way of celebrating our CPLD programme but then it became a way of reflecting on current practice and planning priorities for the coming months.

What was involved in the process?
A toolkit was provided which gave a framework for assessing current practice and tied in with our school improvement and post Ofsted planning process. Support was given by email and telephone during the process. Once we had filled in the framework a date was arranged for a 2 day assessment to take place, dates were flexible.

What was your strongest element of the Framework?
We went for Gold! Bronze and silver were the strongest elements.

What did you find the most challenging?

How did you find the assessment?
A very positive yet rigorous process.

Did you receive constructive feedback?
The feedback we received was extremely valuable as an opportunity for celebration and fed directly into school improvement planning.

Would you recommend The CPLD Quality Mark to other schools?
Couldn’t recommend it highly enough. It demonstrates to staff and stakeholders commitment to investing in people and the impact on pupil outcomes. In addition it guides and improves CPLD within the school showing clear links to school improvement

Case Study 6 - Temple Ewell CEP School

Name of School:   Temple Ewell CEP School

Type of school:    Primary

Age range:   4- 11 years

Number of pupils:    140


What was involved in the process?

Working through audit tool, identifying what we already had in place and what could be introduced or adapted ready for the assessment. Also identifying longer term areas for development. Discussion with staff, governors, parents and pupils about their thoughts on CPLD provision – strengths and areas to develop further.

 What did the process tell you about your CPLD provision?

Our CPLD provision is strong for all stakeholders. We have clear systems in place to identify need and use a wide range of CPLD to address these. Staff feel listened to and valued and feel they have a real and positive impact on the development of the school as a whole. The development of our middle leaders has particularly improved over the past 2 years.

What did you find the most challenging?

At Gold level – showing a clear understanding emotional intelligent leadership.  Completing detailed research into best practice.

How did you find the assessment?

An intense couple of days! Having said that it was a really good opportunity to reflect on our current practice – celebrating the strengths and highlighting areas for development.  It was excellent that many of the staff were able to contribute to the assessment – emphasised how we all work together to achieve the best for our pupils and community.

Did you receive constructive feedback?

We were given excellent feedback from Bob – he really challenged my thinking and gave me some purposeful ideas to develop CPLD further in the school.

What are you going to do next?

We hope to ‘reapply’ within the year to gain the Gold mark. We are investigating ways to develop customer service training for office staff, developing a talent management policy to develop opportunities for our staff to develop across our collaboration of schools and looking into the use of 360 degree tools to deepen knowledge of emotionally intelligent leadership.

Other comments from a leadership perspective?

The Quality Mark is an excellent opportunity to clearly identify how CPLD is used effectively to develop individuals and provision for pupils in the school.

Would you recommend the CPLD Quality Mark to other Primary schools?


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